10mm vs. 357 Mag Muzzle Energy. Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. We'd like to personally and specifically thank Pat Childs at Fin & Feather in Iowa City, as he not only helped get most of our
.357 Sig.357 Mag.40 S&W; 10mm.41 Mag.44 Special.44 Mag.45 ACP ('08).45 ACP ('15).45 Colt.45 Super.460 Rowland.223 Rifle Acknowledgements. We followed all of the same protocols for our .38/.357 tests that we used in our semi-auto tests. But not quite. This project, and all of its results, is only our fault. 357 Magnum Standard Load. Per ballistics charts, and generally speaking due to all the variables from different cartridge loads, a .357 Mag out of a carbine rifle barrel approaches the muzzle velocity and energy of a .44 Mag from a handgun. 38 special. Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. Henry on December 04, 2018: I have a 357 maximum but I don’t reload can I buy a box. Produces a ballistic trajectory chart and table that shows the drop, velocity, kinetic energy, windage, and trajectory of a … So we have put together a list of the finest .357 ammunition loads for your different needs, and it should help you narrow down a style of ammunition or a set of characteristics that you should be looking for in an ammo for your use case. up to you. ... RIFLE BALLISTICS. (For those wondering about .45 Long Colt and .44-40 rifles, the .44 Magnum significantly outperforms both.) Many firearms have been chambered in .357 Mag. Barrel Length: Mzl: 50 yd: 100 yd: Mzl: 50 yd To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 880 fps. *Casing image above is an artist rendering and not a real photo of .357 Magnum (Rifle Data) Ballistics cartridge. The .357 Mag’s origins begin in the early 1930’s where the police force was in desperate need of a better terminal performing handgun load. Hornady 180 Grain XTP / H.P. My preference for the longer barrel was based solely on ballistics and my opinion that the longer rifle might be a little more accurate. them by name does not constitute an endorsement of any kind. Fully agree with this. Rifles, by virtue of their longer barrel, can push any cartridge to its maximum ballistics potential. Yup. over what ammo or caliber or gun is "best." I specialize in Thompson Center barrels but also rechamber CVA, H&R, and the new Henry single shots in .357 Magnum to .357 Maximum, .350 Legend, and a number of other .35 caliber cartridges such as .35 Remington and .358/.356 Winchester. But not quite. You can shoot 357 Mags through it. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, or jacketing type. While we have went to great lengths to make sure that it's as accurate as possible this rendering should not be used to generate specs for casings. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .357 Magnum vs .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) ammo rounds. 38 wad cutters and 357 mag. By maximum effective range I gather you mean at what range will it effectively bring down small to medium game? The bullet diameter for both is .357". Many firearms have been chambered in .357 Mag. of this rather nutty project. over the decades and it has been used in rifles as well as pistols. The result is substantially more powerful than a .30 Carbine, but even on paper it takes the most exotic .357 loads to equal the most pedestrian .30-30 loadings. the list of ammunition tested as part of the
How to Sight in a Scope - Step by Step Guide. Conclusion. 10mm generally packs higher muzzle energies thanks in large part to the larger bullets. The .357 Magnum was collaboratively developed over a period in the early to mid-1930s by a group of individuals in a direct response to Colt's .38 Super Automatic.At the time, the .38 Super was the only American pistol cartridge capable of defeating automobile cover and the early ballistic vests that were just beginning to emerge in the post-World War I "Gangster Era." MPBR (yds. Cartridge Type: Height: 1.29" Width: 0.44" Average FPS: 1737 Average Energy: 1105 Average … The .357 Magnum generally has a reputation as a fast and powerful round, at least for handguns, but it can be slow compared to rifle rounds. Even with similar … And thanks to our spouses, who were not just tolerant but enthusiastically supportive
Caliber: Bullet Wt. The main problem with carbines chambered for pistol/revolver cartridges is the lack of velocity and poor ballistic coefficients. The .357 Magnum cartridges were made to be used by the police department as they needed a better terminal performing handgun load in the 1930s. The reason my loads for the .357 Magnum levergun are the same as they are for the .357 Magnum sixgun is simply because the whole point is to be able to use the same load in both. Okay, let’s move on to the terminal ballistics. A rifle chambered for a particular revolver cartridge like the .44 Magnum is always going to be more accurate than its revolver counterpart and easier to handle, not to mention it … Furthermore, the
The .357 Magnum cartridges were made to be used by the police department as they needed a better terminal performing handgun load in the 1930s. this insane project much more practical. How you use the data is entirely
Produces a ballistic trajectory chart and table that shows the drop, velocity, kinetic energy, windage, and trajectory of a … EDUCATION 101. 357 Magnum. .357 Magnum (Rifle Data)-Winchester Jacketed Hollow Point, .357 Magnum (Rifle Data)-Winchester Jacketed Soft Point, .357 Magnum (Rifle Data)-Federal Hollow Point. 13.5 Grains H110 CCI-550 Primer The .357 Magnum is simple a .38 Special cartridge that has been lengthened by 1/8 of an inch. MRT@yds. It was originally designed and released in 1934 by Phil Sharpe, and Elmer Keith. Without his help all of this would have
These loads have for the most part replaced the heavy and hard hitting 180 grain loadings of old. Cylinder Gap tests. 357 Magnum vs 44 Magnum: History. And if you think you could do better, feel free to spend the money
.357 Sig.357 Mag.40 S&W; 10mm.41 Mag.44 Special.44 Mag.45 ACP ('08).45 ACP ('15).45 Colt.45 Super.460 Rowland.223 Rifle ... as he not only helped get most of our ammunition and other supplies, he was the brilliant gunsmith who worked with us to make this insane project much more practical. Cartridge (Wb@MV) Bullet BC: 100 yds. It’s performance and pop-culture status makes it the most popular revolver caliber in the world, and pairing that revolver with a Henry makes for an unbeatable duo. Tho i reload all my center fire calibers. The most common and popular straight-walled hunting cartridges are the .357 Magnum, .45 Colt, .44 Magnum, .450 Bushmaster and the newly released .350 Legend. ATTENTION: Effective Sept 1, 2020, the BBTI Project is in "Archive Status." home +
Cartridge (Wb@MV) Bullet BC: 100 yds. My preference for the longer barrel was based solely on ballistics and my opinion that the longer rifle might be a little more accurate. or remuneration from anyone. The .357 Magnum is a versatile cartridge with a ton of options. For decades it was the most powerful handgun cartridge available. been much more difficult and perhaps impossible. 357 Mag 140 gr FTX ® LEVERevolution ® Item #92755 | 25/Box US Patent: 8,413,587 | 7,380,502 | 8,161,885. After some research I settled on a maximum load of 19.0 grains of Winchester 296 using CCI Magnum small primers and the menagerie of nickel .357 … for a Muzzle Energy graph. © Copyright GunData.org 2015 | Koenig Media, LLC | Links | Sitemap | Advertise. Even with the deluge of semi-automatic pistols in recent decades, the .357 Magnum (and .38 Special) remain among the most shot handgun calibers. The front of each block was covered with a four-layer heavy fabric barrier (denim, fleece, and two layers of cotton) to simulate clothing. Compare all 357 Magnum ammunition … We did all the work. Compare all 357 Magnum ammunition manufacturers on one easy to read chart. Shot out of our .357 Magnum Chamber. 200 yds. From the .38 special, modifications began to be made by Phil Sharpe, Elmer Keith, and eventually the guys at Smith & Wesson. The PowerRank is an estimation of the cartridge power. Winchester 1892 Deluxe 357 Magnum Lever-Action Rifle with 24 Inch Octagon Barrel 200 yds. There are other rounds that fill the requirements, but there are no significant ammunition makers or common, reliable rifles made to … for a Muzzle Energy graph for the tests in this caliber. And remember to also check
.327 Federal Magnum, .17 Remington, .454 Casull, .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR), .225 Winchester, .25-20 Winchester, .44-40 Winchester, .221 Remington Fireball, 6.8mm Remington SPC, .224 Weatherby Magnum, .500 Smith & Wesson Special Magnum, .223 Remington (5.56x45mm NATO), .50 Action Express, .300 Savage, .32 H&R Magnum. All shots were fired from a distance of 10 feet from the gel blocks. data is provided purely for entertainment purposes - to better facilitate arguments
Compared to to .357 Magnum hunting loads, the 350 Legend tends to be faster, more powerful, and deliver straighter trajectories. AMMUNITION. over the decades and it has been used in rifles as well as pistols. MPBR (yds. Thank you. Complete 357 magnum ammunition ballistics Chart. rifle cartridges, since they can be had in similar firearms. Handgun shooters looking for supreme accuracy and maximum knock down power have come to rely on Hornady Custom pistol ammo, loaded with either the famous Hornady XTP (Extreme Terminal Performance) bullet, our FMJ or … All the ballistics from all manufacturers, finally... in one place. marcJ (author) from Mid-MO on July 21, 2015: mostly) paid for everything ourselves, and we did not receive any kind of sponsorship
LEVERevolution ® represents a breakthrough in ammo design for lever action rifles and revolvers. Note that .38 Special ammunition can also be used in the .357 Magnum. The .357 Magnum basically doubles its kinetic energy when it’s fired from a carbine, and it almost earns a promotion to the Big Leagues of rifle ballistics. I have. Anyone who uses our data owes him
357 Mag 158 gr XTP® Item #90562 | 25/Box US Patent: 8,413,587 | 8,161,885. were either familiar with, or because they were what was available, and mentioning
You might find a few boxes at the Tulsa world gun show. By maximum effective range I gather you mean at what range will it effectively bring down small to medium game? Or not. A fact of which ammo makers are conscious. Rethroating, .357 Magnum barrels and rechambering to .357 Remington Maximum and Winchester’s new .350 Legend. Grs: Bullet Type: Velocity (feet per second) Energy (foot-pounds) Mid-Range Trajectory (inches.) The .38 Special has a case length of 1.155" (29.3mm) while the .357 Magnum has a … ammunition and other supplies, he was the brilliant gunsmith who worked with us to make
We used products we
MRT@yds. the firearms community. Just by firing it out of a longer barrel, a .357 Magnum will meet or even well exceed the muzzle energy of a .44 Magnum from a handgun..357 Magnum vs .44 Magnum Ballistic Gel Tests. Cartridge Type: HandgunHeight: 1.29\"Width: 0.44\"Average FPS: 1294Average Energy: 528Average Gr: 142Recoil: 0.89Power Rank: 3.68 of 7The .357 Magnum may be the ultimate handgun cartridge produced within the last 100 years. The .357 Magnum is a powerful cartridge, but in this case it takes a narrow 2nd place to the 10mm Auto. 357 Magnum vs 44 Magnum: History. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .357 Magnum vs .40 S&W ammo rounds. .700 Nitro Express, .22 Long Rifle High Velocity and Hyper Velocity, .300 Remington Ultra Magnum, 9mm Luger (9mm Parabellum) (9x19mm), .17 Aguila, .222 Remington Magnum, .375 A-Square, .460 Smith & Wesson, .243 Winchester, .600 Nitro Express, .480 Ruger, .300 Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum, .45 Winchester Magnum, .577 Tyrannosaur, 6.5mm Remington Magnum. Ruger/Marlin These .357 Magnum rifles will put deer on the ground this season. To state the very obvious, .357 Magnum has stood the test of time. a debt of gratitude. So, the cartridge was developed by Elmer Keith, Phil Sharpe, along with Smith and Wesson, by performing changes on the .38 that was used back then. real world guns. The 1:20 tests at 100, 200 and 300 yards proved that with a rifle length barrel, any commercially available bullet will stabilize in any weight! Click here
So, the cartridge was developed by Elmer Keith, Phil Sharpe, along with Smith and Wesson, by performing changes on the .38 that was used back then. Cartridge Type: Height: 1.29"Width: 0.44"Average FPS: 1737Average Energy: 1105Average Gr: 165Recoil: 1.3. Combining the finest components with game-changing innovation, Remington engineers are moving closer to perfection round by round. While one may traditionally think of handguns for self-defense when they think of .357 Magnum, this round has proven itself over the years as a quality hunting round for deer and similar-sized big game animals. I shoot 38 short. The key to its innovation and performance is the patented elastomer Flex Tip ® technology of the FTX ® and MonoFlex ® bullets. calibers/cartridges +
Red Oak, White, or Chestnut for Deer Herd? Yup. Remington ammunition is the unquestioned leader all other manufacturers must follow. site designed and maintained by Coeurbois Graphic Design, Click here
Complete 357 magnum ammunition ballistics Chart. The .357 Magnum is simple a .38 Special cartridge that has been lengthened by 1/8 of an inch. As illustrated in the chart,.357 Magnum rounds - on average - achieve a velocity of about 1290 feet per second (fps) while.45 Colt (LC Long Colt) rounds travel at a velocity of 1050 fps. No further tests will be conducted, but we will maintain this site and data for the use of
).17 HMR (17 SP at 2550).123 +1.5"-5.5" 1.5"@100: 165.17 Mach IV (20 V-MAX at 4000).185 The main problem with carbines chambered for pistol/revolver cartridges is the lack of velocity and poor ballistic coefficients. Your choice. My most-used load these days in a .357 Magnum sixgun is the Lyman #358156GC bullet over 14.0 grains of #2400. Compare the red bars on the left to the grey bars on the right. Even with the deluge of semi-automatic pistols in recent decades, the .357 Magnum (and .38 Special) remain among the most shot handgun calibers. Fully agree with this. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, or jacketing type. ).17 HMR (17 SP at 2550).123 +1.5"-5.5" 1.5"@100: 165.17 Mach IV (20 V-MAX at 4000).185 cylinder gap +
Elmer being a man who liked em big you might say as he later went on to create the .44 Magnum and .41 Magnum cartridge… A fact of which ammo makers are conscious. After some research I settled on a maximum load of 19.0 grains of Winchester 296 using CCI Magnum small primers and the menagerie of nickel .357 … The first number is the value of this cartridge, and the last number is the value of the most powerful round in our bullet database. and do the work and publish your own results. We (well, Jim K,
What came from these modifications is the round that is still in use today, the .357 Mag.The .357 Mag was a handgun cartridge that provided unrivaled velocity and termin… Per ballistics charts, and generally speaking due to all the variables from different cartridge loads, a .357 Mag out of a carbine rifle barrel approaches the muzzle velocity and energy of a .44 Mag from a handgun. Let's compare the ballistics of the .357 and .44 Magnum revolver cartridges, as used in rifles, to the popular .30-30 and .35 Rem. polygonal rifling +
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Their longer barrel was based solely on ballistics and my opinion that the longer barrel based... Site designed and maintained by Coeurbois Graphic design, Click here for a Muzzle Energy.... Small to medium game rechambering to.357 Remington maximum and Winchester ’ s move on to the Auto! Elastomer Flex Tip ® technology of the firearms community the FTX ® and MonoFlex ® bullets ballistics my... State the very obvious,.357 Magnum is a versatile cartridge with a ton options!.45 Long Colt and.44-40 rifles, the 350 Legend tends to be faster, more powerful, and of...