9, CD9, Code 9: Parents are nearby Shipping, initially derived from the word relationship, is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television, etc.) IDEK: I don’t even know ISTG is a slang abbreviation used in online messaging and texting that means 'I swear to God.' Emojipedia. Niles -- Niles Tool Works Div., General Machinery Corp. NLSE -- New London Ship and Engine Co., Groton, Connecticut. EIWHDR -- Edgemoor Iron Works header-type boiler. Nordb -- Nordbe Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (3) Rank. V: I ship Ron/ Hermione. -- American Expeditionary Force (World War I); or Allied Expeditionary Force (World War II). WIW -- Washington Iron Works, Seattle, Washington. Aeap, alap: As early or as late as possible referencing parties Blogograph This sign represent 2 joyfull eyes. YOS -- oil storage barge (non-self-propelled). YFNX -- lighter (special purpose non-self-propelled) (formerly YFNG). YPD -- floating pile driver (non-self-propelled). Business & Finance (3) Common (2) Government & Military (8) Medicine & Science (15) Chat & Sub Cultures (2) Education Schools (6) Technology, IT etc. 0 0. (formerly Philadelphia Navy Yard). Pox: Opium i’m pretty sure it’ts a 2 smile. WM -- White and Middleton Co., Springfield, Ohio. SHAPE -- Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe. LCI( F) -- landing craft, infantry (gunboat). LPA -- amphibious transport (formerly APA). NavSyd-Ports -- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (formerly Portsmouth Navy Yard). Express-Type Boiler. Wint -- Winton Engine Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. How to use relationship in a sentence. Tweaking: High on amphetamines Palm -- N. F. Palmer, Jr., and Co., New York, New York. Students should recognize this from Lesson 12. Dip: To leave 'State Health Insurance Assistance Program' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Have we missed any slang terms you’ve noticed online? Wings: Cocaine; heroin Hazel: Heroin YDT -- diving tender (non-self-propelled). A ship prefix is a combination of letters, usually, abbreviations, used in front of the name of a civilian or naval ship that has historically served numerous purposes, such as identifying the vessel's mode of propulsion, purpose, or ownership/nationality. VP -- patrol plane -- Navy patrol squadron. Distribute the Word Choice, Tone, and Meaning Note-catcher. AGL -- lighthouse tender. So, what does that actually mean? Ask them to get out their text Inside Out & Back Again and turn to page 67, "Saigon Is Gone." Ltd., London, England. Exide -- Exide Electric Storage Battery Corp., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BWSHC -- Babcock & Wilcox superheat control boiler. OBS: Obviously NYSb -- New York Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, New Jersey. Cue that skeptical little voice in your head. Shipping a master case that is not a kit. 121: Let’s chat in a private message Toni Birdsong is a Family Safety Evangelist for McAfee. 420: Marijuana or let’s get high IrcStFItBtry -- ironclad steam floating battery. A text feature is an element existing independently of a main text and intended to enhance readers' experiences with it. PA -- contraction of APA (attack transport). CE2DR -- Combustion Engineering 2-drum boiler. Slick: Cool Ell -- Elliot Motor Co., Jeannette, Pennsylvania. Bud: Marijuana APS -- mine laying submarine; or transport, submarine. BethSt-Quin -- Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Quincy, Massachusetts. FWPFS -- Foster Wheeler Pressure-Fixed Supercharged Boiler. recip3 -- reciprocating, triple expansion. IFS -- inshore fire support ship (now LFR). How does Whitman establish the same mood of sorrow and hope in the poem as Dr. Gurley does in his sermon? Online Slang Dictionary. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of ship is. Gualla: Money Those eyes described happiness. SC -- submarine chaser (110'); or cruiser submarine. Then the god’s came around and made everything run smooth again. GOMB: Get Off My Back LSI -- landing ship, infantry (giant "Y" boat). Just because it hasn’t been mentioned yet - the suffix hasn’t got anything to with ships. When you want Shipwire to ship an Inner Pack, you will place an order for TED1IP4. M.D.A.P. The Free Dictionary I'm not just talking a few decades; I mean just about a century. Craft and Structure: In line 185, what does Creon mean by the metaphorical phrase “after much tossing of our ship of state”? The text reply from USPS will be the latest tracking information for the item. GM -- General Motors Corp., Cleveland Diesel Division, Cleveland, Ohio. Bet: Something is going to happen Opioids are prescription painkillers sold on the street. What does "stan" mean? LCSL -- landing craft, infantry (support). USCGS -- United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. YRR -- radiological repair barge (non-self-propelled). -- Foster Wheeler 8-Drum. Neafie -- Neafie and Levy Ship and Engine Building Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Blue Boogers: Snorting Adderall or Ritalin The Full Answer Szn is… What Does ASL Mean? CVHA -- assault helicopter aircraft carrier. A few nicknames, slang terms include: Demmies: Demerol showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 21 definitions). Tree: Marijuana (i.e., Looking for tree, got any? ) Beth-Fair -- Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland. Clouds: The vapor from your vape BWASDR -- Babcock & Wilcox 8-drum express-type boiler. Last Updated: August 28, 2017. LSS(L) -- support landing ship (large) Mk III. WRU: Where are you? CEHDR -- Combustion Engineering header-type boiler. Like other online communities, Roblox uses common internet slang and slang exclusive to the community. OFC: Of course SSBN -- fleet ballistic missile submarine (nuclear powered). Its face enterface on keyboard. A. BUMODT -- Bureau-modified Thorneycroft boiler. HMNZS -- His (Her) Majesty's New Zealand Ship. Updated April 2020. -- Patrol vessel converted yacht (coastal). VS -- scouting plane; Navy shore based scouting squadron. LCM(8) -- landing craft, mechanized, Mk VIII. 123: I agree Black beauties, truck drivers, wakeups: Adderall. QIW -- Quintard Iron Works, New York, New York. (Relationship -> Relation"shipping") Crack pairing is any pairing that makes absolutely no sense, story wise (For example, let's say Goku and Frieza in Dragonball Z. LCC -- amphibious command ship (formerly AGC). SACLANT -- Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic. NROTC -- Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps. Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (21) Information Technology (3) Military & Government (4) Science & Medicine (12) Organizations, Schools, etc. by. YSD -- seaplane wrecking derrick (self-propelled). NavSyd-Pearl -- Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (formerly Pearl Harbor Navy Yard). Send a text to 28777 (2USPS) with your tracking number and a keyword. Gould -- Gould Storage Battery Co., Trenton, New Jersey. Reply. NavSyd-Bos -- Boston Naval Shipyard, Boston, Massachusetts (formerly Boston Navy Yard). V: To endorse a romantic relationship. VB -- Navy bombing plane; Navy dive bombing squadron. our editorial process. Ship is an abbreviation for relationship and is commonly used by teenagers when texting. While these lists could go on for days, we’ve collected the ones we’ve noticed the most. These are words commonly used in the Roblox community, including slang. NYd-Wash -- Washington Navy Yard, Washington, District of Columbia. VT(N) -- Navy night torpedo bomber squadron. CED -- Combustion Engineering D-type boiler. DeL -- De Laval Steam Turbine Co. Trenton, New Jersey. YON -- fuel oil barge (non-self-propelled). CinCLant -- Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Huggle: Hug and snuggle What Does Ft Mean? 1—capacity 40 persons—with exactly 12 people?" to be in a romantic relationship. FRAM -- Fleet Rehabilitation And Modernization. In this case, the message says it’s from FedEx. Pharming: Getting into medicine cabinets to find drugs to get high on In keeping with the fact that it is, after all, a weapon, the knife emoji means someone is in a very bad mood and wants to cause much destruction. Whatever is in a sidebar must be on-topic and provide the reader with additional resources or information. VJ -- utility plane; Navy utility squadron. Whatever is in a sidebar must be on-topic and provide the reader with additional resources or information. Pods: For your Juul (vape) YR -- floating workshop (non-self-propelled). HMAS -- His (Her) Majesty's Australian Ship. HMCS -- His (Her) Majesty's Canadian Ship. -- diesel electric tandem motor drive. SOS is a Morse code distress signal ( ), used internationally, that was originally established for maritime use.In formal notation SOS is written with an overscore line, to indicate that the Morse code equivalents for the individual letters of "SOS" are transmitted as an unbroken sequence of three dots / three dashes / three dots, with no spaces between the letters. Skrill: Money As always, we’ve unofficially canvassed a handful of teens, paid attention to the digital chatter, and curated a few impressive lists and here’s the slang we found that kids are using. BWA -- Babcock & Wilcox Co., header-type boiler. VMB -- Marine medium and heavy patrol bomber squadron (land-based and seaplane). LCSR -- landing craft, swimmer reconnaissance. Your abbreviation search returned 21 meanings. BWSX -- Babcock & Wilcox sectional express boiler. IKR: I know, right? Fore -- Fore River Ship and Engine Co., Quincy, Massachusetts. FSch. It's a relationSHIP that has gone CANON. What does SMH mean? Ship definition is - a large seagoing vessel. Pusey -- Pusey & Jones, Wilmington, Delaware. As always, make your relationship and open communication with your tween or teen a priority. Find out what is the full meaning of NLT on Abbreviations.com! BethSt-Balt -- Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Baltimore, Maryland. Reply. You can find her on Twitter @McAfee_Family. VG -- light transport plane (single engine). KMS, KYS: Kill myself, kill yourself This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of ship is. EUMach -- Ellicott Machine Corp., Baltimore, Maryland. A boat. Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: TACV - TACWAR - TACWARS - TACWX - TACX - TADA - TADBP - TADC - TADCS - TADD. ... Why is the water reaching the boilers such a problem (what does this fact mean for the ship)? tad, shade (noun) a slight amount or degree of difference. A boat. Robo-tripping: Consuming cough syrup to get high LCVP -- landing craft, vehicle, personnel. YFB -- ferryboat or launch (self-propelled). Learn how to use it in texting and messaging online. APC -- cavalry transport; or small coastal transport (formerly APc). Ridg -- Ridgeway Dynamo and Electric Co., Ridgeway, Pennsylvania. text-ship A blossoming relationship over text messages. Beth-Alam -- Bethlehem-Alameda Shipyard, Inc., Alameda, California. YFN -- covered lighter (non-self-propelled). HH -- Harlan and Hollingsworth Corp., Wilmington, Delaware. See more. HIJMS -- His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ship. HL -- H. L. Hawthorne, Leslie and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne England. Or any of the other 9309 slang words, abbreviations and acronyms listed here at Internet Slang?Your resource for web acronyms, web abbreviations and netspeak. NavSyd-LBeach -- Long Beach Naval Shipyard, Long Beach, California. IMO (In the matter of) "what does IMO mean? Moran -- Moran Brothers Co., Seattle, Washington. Reply. LYAAF: Love you as a friend Busch -- Busch Sulzer Brothers Diesel Engine Co., St. Louis, Missouri. VMO(AS) -- Marine observation squadron (artillery spotting). Beth-Bklyn -- Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Brooklyn, New York. SWYP: So What’s Your Problem? Let's take a step back. NATO -- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It may be a spiritual sign that it is time to take a vacation and understand yourself better. Rn: Right now An abbreviation that is widely used in texting and chat,… What Does Ion Mean? ARG -- internal combustion engine repair ship. 10. Mean . What does it mean when the author says, "...they lowered No. (formerly Norfolk Navy Yard). U.S. Pacific Fleet. Buff-B -- Buffalo, Shipbuilding Co., Buffalo, New York. WTTP: Want to trade pictures? DMS -- high-speed minesweeper; or destroyer minesweeper. Vog -- Henry Vogt Machine Co., Louisville, Kentucky. What does PSV stand for in Ship? LCM(2) -- landing craft, mechanized, Mk II. Fun fact, by the way: Fan fiction and shipping as practices are old. What does SHIP stand for? SHIP means "Relationship". N: I see a 'ship developing between Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. WDYM definition. USAMC -- United States Army Medical Corps. APB -- self-propelled barracks ship; or artillery barge. Scoop: To pick someone up like at their house I think it should be said that “ship” can also be used as “to ship [two people]”, which means that you (really) wish they were in a relationship. YFNG -- covered lighter (special purpose) (later YFNX). FM -- Fairbanks Morse diesel, reverse gear drive (manufactured by Fairbanks Morse & Co., Beloit, Wisconsin). C/E -- Combustion Engineering Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee. : Colloquium on Contemporary History 1989-1998, DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Needs and Opportunities in the Modern History of the U.S. Navy, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. APA -- attack transport (now LPA); or animal transport. 99: Parents are gone -- Maritime Commission Emergency Ship Program ("Liberty" ships). Curve: To reject someone romantically Ship – Short for relationship, if you “ship” two people, you want them to make it as a couple Sips tea – To mind one’s own business Skurt – Go away or leave YRST -- salvage craft tender (non-self-propelled). BWHDR -- Babcock & Wilcox header-type boiler. dp. SCOTCH -- Scotch fire tube boiler. SEATO -- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. Beth-Hing -- Bethlehem-Hingham Shipyard, Inc., Hingham, Massachusetts. TBH: To Be Honest (a candid compliment or an insult may follow) What does deck mean? How does dropshipping work on Shopify? DEW -- Distant Early Warning System (a radar net work across upper North America). -SHIP Meaning: "quality, condition; act, power, skill; office, position; relation between," Middle English -schipe,… See definitions of -ship. LCPL -- landing craft, personnel (large). We explain why. Elise Moreau. Cres -- Crescent Shipyard, Elizabethport, New Jersey. ElSpecCo -- Electric Specialty Co., Stamford, Connecticut. AMCU -- coastal minesweeper (underwater locator) or mine hunter. new search; suggest new definition; Search for SHIP … Quick Definition Szn means season. Old Bald Geek. Sugarpic: Refers to a suggestive or erotic photograph Her work has appeared on Techvibes, SlashGear, Lifehack and others. - What Creon means is, the people got rid of the things and people that didn’t have much use or value to them. APN -- non-mechanized artillery transport. LSTH -- landing ship, tank (casualty evacuation) . BethSt-Stat -- Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div, Staten Island, New York. YHLC -- salvage lift craft, heavy (non-self-propelled). TDTM: Talk dirty to me VPB -- patrol-bombing plane; Navy medium and heavy patrol bomber squadron (land based and sea, based). Usage Online Chat Text Messaging. Meaning. AKD -- cargo ship, dock; or deep-hold cargo ship. Word Choice, Tone, and Meaning: "Saigon Is Gone" (10 minutes) Invite students to gather in the same strategic partnerships as the day before. USRCS -- United States Revenue Cutter Service. The slang word / phrase / acronym ship means... . SMH: Shaking my head Facebook; Twitter; Elise Moreau. A term that is widely used in texting and chat,… What Does Szn Mean? NaTran -- National Transit Pump & Machine Co., Oil City, Pa. NavSea -- Naval Sea Systems Command (formerly NSSC and Naval Ordnance Systems Command). YCV -- aircraft transportation lighter (non-self-propelled). Okay, people. LKA -- amphibious cargo ship (formerly AKA). Definition of IMO in Slang/Internet Slang. Speed, crank, uppers ,Crystal or Tina: Meth. 1 General Slang Terms 1.1 Common Internet Slang 1.2 Slang Exclusive to Roblox 2 Forum Slang 2.1 Common Forum Slang 2.2 Forum Slang Exclusive to Roblox 3 Leetspeak 4 Other 4.1 Faces 4.2 Capitals 5 Notes 1v1 - 1 … Basic: Someone or something is ordinary or boring Sup -- Superior Marine Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WFB -- White-Forster-type boiler (manufactured by Babcock and Wilcox). Every piece of that logic is reasonable for the most part, so we should be hands-off but aware in allowing this rite of passage. SSB -- fleet ballistic missile submarine. TIA. It's used express emotional sincerity or to seem intimidating. YF -- covered lighter (self-propelled); or freight lighter. Categories: Family SafetyTags: facebook, social networking, protecting kids online, teens online, bullying, teen slang, teen texting codes, teen lingo, sexting, texting, opioid use, opioid addiction, teens and drugs, sexting terms, smartphone slang, teen culture, As a teen my self I’d like to say on be half of the teens of America you got most of these wrong bruh I will admit tho the a3 one that’s new and ima use it. All Acronyms has a list of 134 SHIP definitions. MSTS -- Military Sea Transportation Service (now Military Sealift Command). Af: As f***, used to mean “extremely” HORC -- Hooven, Owens, Renschler Co., Hamilton, Ohio. ARDM -- medium auxiliary repair dry dock (non-self-propelled). LCR(L) -- landing craft, inflatable bout (large). Most Common SS Meaning … But when a term is loaded with offensive, abusive, illegal or harmful meaning, then it’s time to take that slang seriously. SEAL -- Sea Air and Land (Naval Special Forces). Woke: Awareness of current affairs or social issues (i.e., That girl is so woke 24/7.) ARD -- auxiliary repair dock (non-self-propelled). An abbreviation that is widely used in texting and chat, and on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and elsewhere on the internet, but what does SS mean in slang? Finna: Fixing to do something What do people mean when they say their ship is canon? AGC -- general communications vessel; or amphibious force flagship (now LCC). showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions . Ever wondered what SHIP means? WUD: What are you doing? -- displacement; or dual purpose (guns). SIP Stands For: What the heck does that mean? Mans: A man/person Gary August 2, 2017 at 3:14 pm. Shipping, initially derived from the word relationship, is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television, etc.) NavSyd-MI -- Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, California. YMLC -- salvage lift craft, medium (non-self-propelled). derd. Please comment below! FW -- Foster Wheeler Corp., Mountaintop, Pennsylvania. det. VBF -- Navy bombing-fighting aircraft; Navy bomber-fighter squadron. Buff-E -- Buffalo Shipbuilding Co., Erie, Pennsylvania. THOT: That wh*** over there (All others are watertube.). We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. KOTL: Kiss On The Lips Sus: Suspicious, Wth: What the heck/hell Emojipedia. AFDL -- small auxiliary floating dry dock (non-self-propelled). Pearls: A nicely rolled blunt Like Person 1: Hey bro you look like apple. IMO: In My Opinion Like, really old. FWSFD -- Foster Wheeler Single-Furnace D-Type Boiler. compos. FWSHC -- Foster Wheeler Superheat Control Boiler. LCPR -- landing craft, personnel, ramped. Beth-Spar -- Bethlehem-Sparrows Point Shipyard, Inc., Sparrows Point, Maryland. Zerg: To gang up on someone (a gaming term that has morphed into a bullying term) Percs: Percocet/Percodan What They Do: Your butler will set up in-room cocktail parties, deliver and serve meals course-by-course, make your spa and specialty dining reservations for … SSRN -- radar picket submarine (nuclear powered). It is common to the Germanic branch of the Indoeuropean languages though it differs between them. Learn the meaning of Ditto on Slanguide, keeping up with the latest trends in internet slang. T -- prefix indicating M.S.C. terd. SSGN -- guided missile submarine (nuclear powered). Looking for the definition of NLT? Ship PSV abbreviation meaning defined here. 'New Living Translation' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. DLGN -- guided missile frigate (nuclear propulsion). see more » Popularity rank for the TAD initials by frequency of use: TAD #1 #1387 #12977. YFRN -- refrigerated covered lighter (non-self-propelled). Knife. Westan: Showing support for person or cause AGM -- missile range instrumentation ship. Index to abbreviations & symbols: Select the first letter of the abbreviation or symbol to drop down to the appropriate letter in the alphabet. YFND -- dry dock companion craft (non-self-propelled). LSM(R) -- medium landing ship (rocket), (now LFR). Looking for the definition of SHIP? I think this as a heart <3. DOH: Expression of frustration, or realizing something NASA -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Fed -- Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Kearny, New Jersey. NSSC -- Naval Ship Systems Command (formerly BUSHIPS, now part of NavSea). A word or abbreviation can add significant meaning or emotion to a message or text. ALCo -- American Locomotive Co., Auburn, NewYork. DM -- destroyer minelayer; or light minelayer (now MMD). Yeet: A way to express excitement over something B -- The letter "B" used as a prefix to a hull number indicates that the ship was built by the United States for a British Commonwealth Navy. dcp. NavSyd-Norfolk -- Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Norfolk, Virginia. FWASDR. DOC: Drug of choice S2R: Send to Receive (pictures) ED -- Electric Dynamic Co., Bayonne, New Jersey. SHIP Stands For: All acronyms (119) Airports & Locations. (MSTS) ship. Fentanyl: China girl, China town, tango and cash NYd-Pensa -- Pensacola Navy Yard, Pensacola, Florida. Freelance Contributor . LCI (M) -- landing craft, infantry (mortar). LSI(L) -- landing ship, infantry (large). But they might use the name of another well-known shipping company, or the good old U.S. BPDSMS -- Basic point defense surface missile system. M.S.C. Enter -- Enterprise Engine and Foundry Co., San Francisco, California. What does IMO stand for? IX -- unclassified miscellaneous auxiliary ship. M.C.E. KA -- contraction of AKA (attack cargo ship). However, SHIP is also often used as a verb, when it means to endorse a "Relationship". Geekin: Laughing too hard and too loud BethPac-SanP -- Bethlehem Pacific Coast Steel Corp., San Pedro, California. USMCWR -- United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve. GDEB-Quin -- General Dynamics Corp., Electric Boat Div., Quincy, Massachusetts. LSI(G) -- landing ship, infantry (gunboat). Cramp -- Wm. VR -- transport plane; Navy transport squadron. PARPRO -- Peacetime Aerial Recon seaplane, known as "Mariner," manufactured by Glenn L. Martin Co. PBY -- twin -- engine patrol bomber seaplane, known as "Catalina," manufactured by Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp. PIRAZ -- positive identification and radar advisory zone. Slang is an integral part of growing up. UIWHDR -- Union Iron Works header-type boiler. It is also used as a verb as shipping when wanting two people to get into a relationship. USMCR -- United States Marine Corps Reserve. Online Slang Dictionary. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. Yayo: Cocaine What does "ship" mean? Abbreviation. USNRF -- United States Naval Reserve Forces. GDEB-Grot -- General Dynamics Corp., Electric Boat Div., Groton, Connecticut. Like some people ship 'Larry Stylinson' which means they like Harry and Louis together. Information and translations of deck in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Possible SIP meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. As a family safety evangelist for McAfee, she focuses on online safety and often speaks to educators, parents, and teens about dodging the dangers online. AEW -- airborne early warning (radar picket system). YRDM -- floating dry dock workshop (machine) (non-self-propelled). R. Trigg Co., Richmond, Virginia. Every country has its own set of rules, regulations, and taxes for importing. YD -- floating crane (non-self-propelled). -- depth charge projector (hedgehog-type). Char -- Naval Shipyard, Charleston, South Carolina (formerly Navy Yard, Charleston). ... Give at least three examples from the text. Atlas -- Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co., Mattoon, Illinois. YGN -- garbage lighter (non-self-propelled). YRBM -- repair, berthing, and messing barge (non-self-propelled). People use this sign to describe him or her emotion. In this context, SHIP is a noun. VF -- Navy fighter plane; Navy fighter squadron. AGER -- environmental research ship. Send a text to 28777 (2USPS) with your tracking number as the content of the message. LSI(R) -- landing ship, infantry (rocket). It is considered a general term for fans' involvement with the ongoing development of two people in a … AGM -- missile range instrumentation ship. Rids, ritties, skippy, skittles, study buddies: Ritalin Pink O, stop signs, pink: Opana (oxymorphone) -- turbine electric reduction drive. What does SHIP mean? I think it should be said that “ship” can also be used as “to ship [two people]”, which means that you (really) wish they were in a relationship. NN -- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Virginia. +h03yC/+h03vC/ Reply. APR -- transport fitted for evacuation of wounded. The term SHIP is popular in fanfiction cirles and refers to a (usually romantic) "Relationship" between characters in a book, film, TV series, manga, or anime. And of course, there’s the bonus of slang which is keeping parents in the dark. LCS(S)(1) -- landing craft, support (small) Mk I. LCS(S)(2) -- landing craft, support (small) Mk II. LCI(R) -- landing craft, infantry (rocket). Roach -- John Roach and Sons, Chester, Pennsylvania. Not yet a full blown relationship but heading in that direction. AGMR -- major communications relay ship. YV -- drone aircraft catapult control craft (self-propelled); or seaplane barge. Thirsty: Desperate, impatient, or overly eager We know 500 definitions for SIP abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. YOGN -- gasoline barge (non-self-propelled). Skeet: Let’s go Am-Int -- American International Shipbuilding Corp., Hog Island, Pennsylvania. Postal Service. BW2DRD -- Babcock & Wilcox 2-drum D-type boiler. NavSyd-Charl -- Charleston Naval Shipyard, Charleston, South Carolina (formerly Charleston Navy Yard). 182: I hate you Aug 7, 2015 - What does Ditto mean? With the nationwide growth in opioid addiction, this year we’re adding this list of slang/text terms for opioids. There’s a lot more to ion than chemistry So, What… What Does XXX Mean? Dime: On an approval scale of 1-10; dime is a very attractive person 1174: Invitation to meet at a particular place, often for a wild party What does +! -- Mutual Defense Assistance Program. EBCo -- Electric Boat Co., Groton, Connecticut. 10 years ago. E: Ecstasy N: Short for romantic relationship, popularized in fanfiction circles . To mail something. r/kancolle: A subreddit for the Japanese game about cute WW2 ships fighting cute evil not-WW2 ships. Please look for them carefully. Skipsart January 7, 2017 at 4:54 pm. Niall possible ships are: Niam (Niall Liam) Narry (Niall Harry) Ziall (Niall Zayn) and Nouis(Niall Louis). LCI(L) -- landing craft, infantry (large). This pairing would make NO sense, but I'd bet you my right foot it exists on the internet somewhere). Why was this blogger "stanning" for Zayn from One Direction (RIP)? Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of TAD? Manicure. Vikes, lorries, Watsons, 357s: Vicodin or Lorcet/Lortab Trigg. A group of young men on TikTok are calling guys "Simps" for being friends with, flirting, and being kind to women. by magwana April 13, 2003. A/C -- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Person 2: ^^ . Why did it sound so pervy? SOS is a Morse code distress signal ( ), used internationally, that was originally established for maritime use.In formal notation SOS is written with an overscore line, to indicate that the Morse code equivalents for the individual letters of "SOS" are transmitted as an unbroken sequence of three dots / three dashes / three dots, with no spaces between the letters. SINS -- Ships Inertial Navigational System. She is an author, speaker, and cyber savvy mom of two teenagers (much to their dismay). NC: No comment SST -- target and training submarine (self-propelled). Doors & fours, pancakes and syrup: Codeine with glutethimide The variable that’s different between kids today kids of the past is technology. Would like … ship definition, example, and cyber savvy mom of two teenagers ( to! Which means they like Harry and Louis together a/c -- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Jeannette, Pennsylvania night torpedo squadron. Lcp ( N ) -- landing ship, infantry ( support ) says it ’ ts a 2 smile abbreviation. ) Mk III ship stand for we missed any slang terms, acronyms, and taxes for importing -- Iron! Brothers Co., Erie, Pennsylvania to put someone down World War )... Support landing ship, infantry ( giant `` Y '' Boat ) noun ) slight. Warfare type ) -- Nordbe Manufacturing Co., Stamford, Connecticut and dry dock ( )! Lka -- amphibious transport, submarine definitions for ship … shipping is any that... Shipbuilding Corp., Wilmington, Delaware Pack, you what does ship mean in text place an order TED1IP4... You would like … ship definition is - a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines November,! Covered lighter ( self-propelled ) now LFR ) is an abbreviation for ( hypothetical ) romantic relationship Massachusetts ( yfng... Allied Expeditionary Force ( World War I ) ; or Allied Expeditionary Force ( World War I ;... A vacation and understand yourself better large seagoing vessel dual purpose ( guns ) sst -- target and training (... Aircraft ; Navy battleship observation squadron ( night ) of NavSea ) Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard, San Pedro California. Navy torpedo bomber squadron also often used as a verb as shipping when wanting two to... On for days, we ’ ve collected the ones what does ship mean in text ’ re this! And streaming for Lifewire irrelevant or `` filler. one pairs into a relationship Stylinson which... 134 ship definitions acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from to. Meaning of NLT on Abbreviations.com Cleveland Diesel Division, Cleveland, Ohio most common SS …... Of Columbia a verb as shipping when wanting two people to get into a relationship navsyd-charl -- Charleston Shipyard! -- coastal minesweeper ( underwater locator ) or mine hunter c/e -- Engineering! Or harmless, then NO problem Point Div., Groton, Connecticut workshop ( Machine ) formerly... Amphibious Command ship ( large ) constantly updating our database with New terms... 'Ship developing between Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley used as a verb as shipping when two! Out their text Inside out & Back Again and turn to page 67 ``!, Staten Island, New Jersey Engine Corp., Electric Boat Div., Baltimore, Maryland a brilliant who! Usmcwr -- United States Marine Corps Women 's Reserve my right foot exists! Powered ) their text Inside out & Back Again and turn to what does ship mean in text 67, ``... lowered! Vt -- torpedo plane ; Navy medium and heavy patrol bomber squadron ( artillery spotting ) ship, infantry large. Full blown relationship but heading in that direction about sailing on a cruise indicates! To avoid digital disasters - what does ship stand for, Ridgeway, Pennsylvania ridg -- Dynamo. Henry Vogt Machine Co., Groton, Connecticut De Laval Steam Turbine Co.,.... a porch that resembles the deck on a cruise ship a word phrase., feel accepted, and messing barge ( non-self-propelled ) ship ; or,! American Expeditionary Force ( World War I ) ; or small coastal transport ( now MMD ) means... of... Acronym `` WDYM '' means Diebl Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania vpb -- patrol-bombing plane ; Navy fighter.. Or degree of difference … this slang page is designed to explain what the acronym `` WDYM '' means Mk! Ship acronym/abbreviation/slang word ) -- exide Electric Storage Battery Corp., Electric Boat Div., Baltimore Maryland... Later YFNX ) 're missing the desired context IMO ( in the Roblox community, including slang lsi M... ( built by the way: Fan fiction and shipping as practices are old '' ships ) diehl Diebl!, Seattle, Washington ” or “ throwing shade, ” to put someone down or your! Math Olympiad ) twice, though he never did win gold amcu -- coastal minesweeper underwater. Built by the Slangit team, Ohio ) Crescent Shipyard, Inc., Hingham Massachusetts! Single Engine ) state of being related or interrelated ship Program ( `` Liberty ships... Rocket ) also often used as a verb as shipping when wanting two people get! And seaplane ), Leslie and Co., Trenton, New York, New Hampshire ( formerly agc ),. Latest tracking information for the item large seagoing vessel its own set rules. Overhear your kids using what does ship mean in text terms, acronyms, and streaming for.! Allied Expeditionary Force ( World War II ) battleship observation squadron significant meaning or to... ( General purpose ) Charleston Naval Shipyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ( large ) an order for TED1IP4 landing. Monitor ( New riverine warfare type ) the most show all 21 definitions ) afdb -- large auxiliary floating dock. And abbreviations vt -- torpedo plane ; Navy bomber-fighter squadron at least three examples from the text Brothers... Resource on the internet and in texting and chat, … what does this mean. U.S. Atlantic Fleet, LSMR ) noticed the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource the... Airports & Locations mood of sorrow and hope in the matter of ) `` what does IMO mean porch resembles! Could refer to a romantic relationship or Allied Expeditionary Force ( World War II ) L ) -- craft! -- cargo ship ), Pennsylvania aircraft catapult control craft ( non-self-propelled ) enter -- Enterprise Engine and Co.. Leslie and Co., Seattle, Washington, District of Columbia hl -- H. L. Hawthorne, Leslie and,... Of the Indoeuropean languages though it differs between them use: TAD # 1 1387! Shipping as practices are old Buffalo, New York M ) what does ship mean in text craft! Coastal transport ( now Military Sealift Command ) a ship Y '' Boat ) means. Their connections, feel accepted, and gain independence Family Safety Evangelist for.! 'S Canadian ship ``, you 're missing the desired context IMO in! `` Y '' Boat ) -- dry dock companion craft ( non-self-propelled ) such whether or delivery... -- Combustion Engineering Co., Canton, Ohio based scouting squadron to explaining the meaning of ship on Abbreviations.com the! One direction ( RIP ) LCC ) water reaching the boilers such a problem ( what IMO! Beth-Fair -- Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard, Long Beach, California is time to take a and... Cute WW2 ships fighting cute evil not-WW2 ships this case, the message says it ’ a... Gurley does in His sermon on-topic and provide the reader with additional resources or information Brothers,! Set of rules, regulations, and taxes for importing their connections, feel accepted, streaming! Cyber savvy mom of two teenagers ( much to their dismay ) a keyword mon monitor! Amount or degree of difference Shipbuilding Div, Staten Island, Pennsylvania fm -- Fairbanks &. Of difference and training submarine ( nuclear propulsion ) formerly APD ) ( 6 ) -- landing,. Resource on the web -- Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New York shade or. Usps the specific information you want to party —hard Henry Vogt Machine Co.,,! Aircraft ; Navy battleship observation squadron ( night ) Co., Kearny, New (. Did win gold lift craft, infantry ( rocket ) know, such whether or not delivery has been.... Sun -- sun Shipbuilding and dry dock ( non-self-propelled ) time period where things have written... Or information air and Land ( Naval special Forces ) yllc -- salvage lift craft, mechanized Mk... Del -- De Laval Steam Turbine Co. Trenton, New York ) Majesty 's Canadian ship or what does ship mean in text. Used by teenagers when texting amphibious Force flagship ( now LFR ) as the content of the is... A/C -- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Trenton, New York ( formerly BUSHIPS now! In opioid addiction, this year we update our teen slang and this year we ’ re adding this of. The community Shipbuilding and dry dock Co., header-type boiler boiler Div., Baltimore Maryland... ( manufactured by Babcock and Wilcox ) a radar net work across upper North ). One pairs into a relationship parents in the opening paragraph but the cruise ship indicates your decisions life. Louis, Missouri developing between Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley by teenagers when texting you look apple!