This document explains the changes and additions to the Markdown syntax implemented by Markdown Extra. PHP's current attribute syntax is consistent with other languages and poses no BC breaks whatsoever. Does php 7 support type hinting for class properties? I'd rather either those over <<>> as a first syntax. You must use CSS for those. PHP has three types of comment syntax: /* */ marks block and inline comments; // or # are used for one-line comments. Below, we have an example of a simple PHP file, with a PHP script that uses a built-in PHP function "echo" to output the text "Hello World! Example 3.4. function attribute syntax The grouping feature for <<>> wasn't even accepted yet when the Shorter Attribute Syntax RFC went to vote. $color, $COLOR, and Emmet doesn’t have a predefined set of available tag names, you can write any word and transform it into a tag: div →
, foo → and so on. There has been considerable debate over the feature's syntax. seperated by comma. Attribute Types: There are three types of attributes discribed below: String types Attribute: This type of attribute takes any string literal as a value. We can use attributes to define both design-level information (such as a help file or a URL for documentation) and run-time information (such as associating an xml field with a class field). This is because A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document. Arguments to attributes can only be literal values or constant expressions. The