CAR RENTAL PREFERENCE TYPE A line item component of a CUSTOMER placed ORDER, recording any credit or debit card pre-authorization that is performed at the time the order is taken. VEHICLE UNIT CONFIGURATION HISTORY This level identifies or groups customers as corporate customers or individuals. The POS Item ID will generally be filled with the GTIN (UPC, EAN, and so on) for an item -- but it is not mandatory. This is the flight segment inventory information at a cabin level. Billing transaction additional information from MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT. DEMOGRAPHY GROUP Enables maintenance organizations to record, organize, and plan maintenance requirements, such as routine inspections, replacements, MOD's SB's, CPC, and so on. COMPETITIVE TIER For example: The domain of classifications used to group profile information about a PARTY. For example: ORDER placed by a CUSTOMER for merchandise or services to be provided at some future date and time. BILLING TRANSACTION AGENCY AIRLINE INFO Relates the calendar day to a season and to a standard day. Specifies the details about the carrier, such as carrier code and description. BOOKING SERIES Typically, airline customers enrolled in the program accumulate frequent flyer miles (kilometers, points, segments) corresponding to the distance flown on that airline or its partners. Type of ORGANIZATION business unit. General (non-MARKET SEGMENT specific) Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, or Threat when compared to a Competitor. Lookup for the domain of account levels achievable within a LOYALTY PROGRAM. FLIGHT LEG INVENTORY STATUS Macedonian / македонски CREDIT SCORE PROVIDER PARTY INTERACTION SMS Organization hierarchy level within ORGANIZATION CORPORATE. A Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) that an enterprise has when compared to a Competitor. This is a subset of TSM which stores the excess baggage charge details of the passenger of the TSM. For example: Sales Representative in the operator owned shops, Direct sales representatives in the call center, and dealers in case of partner. One seat can have multiple preferences. This is the base transaction entity to store each and every single revenue or cost transaction record. COMP PROD CRRL CHARACTERISTIC VALUE Slovenian / Slovenščina Different types of organization name represent their business legal status. Detail line on an INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that identifies the SKU ITEM, and unit of measure exchanged, or the freight, charges, taxes, and allowances applicable to a particular inventory control event and action. The segment level boarding figures related to code share flight. TSM RFI Defines a Transitional Store Ticket (TST) generated with the BOOKING. Physical location where merchandise resides. Assigns the languages, products, or geographical areas which the call center can serve to the call center. PARTY GEOGRAPHY ENTITY ASSIGNMENT TIME STANDARD BY WEEK WEEKDAY HOTEL PRODUCT AMENITY Catalan / Català Service SKU also identifies and describes rental items and other tangible items that are used by the customer for a contracted period, but not purchased. For example: Route means a number of flights that carry the same flight number. Represents Decision Tree (DT) rules, derived from frequent flier prediction decision tree mining model. The other rules of the different type of rental car package. FISCAL HALF MONTH EMPLOYEE LANGUAGE CAPABILITY PNR TYPE This is raw and unedited data that is captured during the inventory. BILLING TRANSACTION TICKET MISCELLANEOUS ADDITIONAL PRINT LINES. PROMOTION MANAGEMENT HISTORY This is an operational layer entity which stores the information of the PNR type. This testing must include (but not necessarily limited to) the following: IDA validation Item is sometimes referred to as an article, product, or bundle of SKUs. ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY LEVEL Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, or Threat in a MARKET SEGMENT served by a Competitor. Scripting appears to be disabled or not supported for your browser. FLIGHT LEG INVENTORY CABIN ACV CONFIG FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY CABIN BOOKING CLASS CODESHARE BOARDINGFIGURES DCS The logical data model is the next layer down, and is the one we are most involved in when designing the BI application. PNR PARENT CHILD RELATIONSHIP EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT GROUP ASSIGNMENT Those relationships can be further broken down into the phases, such as “Spring I and Spring II.". The fare calculation elements of billing transaction. The type of occupation that customer has, that is the principal activity the customer does to earn money. PARTY CONTACT LIST PARTICIPATION TASK LIST FLIGHT INVENTORY Bulgarian / Български EMAIL ADDRESS Specifies the fare element details of the BOOKING and the TSM. Highest level of ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY and is the parent of one or more ORGANIZATION COMPANYs. For example, item could be Acme shirt, with associated SKUs for each color and size of the shirt. 831 HEL-LHR. FREQUENT FLIER LOYALTY ACCOUNT BALANCE SOURCE. CALL CENTER This is needed to enable Ad-Hoc reporting involving the Time Dimension. COUNTERS CAR RENTAL EMPLOYEE TYPE Lookup for type code and description used to define a SELLING LOCATION: For example: The type of the postal service. A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that makes a request to a VENDOR to grant permission to return merchandise that is received and found to be unsuitable for sale or other use at the store. For example: Lookup for result of response received from customer interaction. This entity keeps types of CAMPAIGNs. CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT HISTORY CERTIFICATE For example, a CAMPAIGN. This entity contains the daily summary data about customer survey result. Introduction of ER Model Difference between Physical and Logical Data Independence Last Updated: 31-08-2020 Prerequisite : Physical and Logical Data Independence 1. The customer contact information for hotel booking. German / Deutsch Threshold specific rule - Start/Stop value, tolerances, and so on. FISCAL HALF YEAR There are so many different concepts that user needs to understand regarding Logical Data Model.The logical data model always represents the physical data architecture of the database.The logical data modeling gives us information about all the entities with relationship between those entities present in database. ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT TYPE It is also called Credit rating agency. DELAYS AND CANCELLATIONS FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY CABIN BOOKING SUBCLASS FLAG. GEOGRAPHY HIERARCHY VERSION DIRECT EARNING ACCOUNT TRANSFER An individual, collection of individuals, a company, or a public institution that has not purchased merchandise or services, but may in the future. BOOKING SSR EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORD A classification of a Competitor, such as by size, product lines offered, and so forth. FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY CABIN CODESHARE BLOCKSPACE COUNTER. That information, along with your comments, will be governed by PARTY INTERACTION FAX Stores the details of Service Fee (SVC). Defines month-in-half in a Gregorian or Normal Calendar. For example: List of inventory items that can be used, identifies interchangeable parts that can be used at a location. AIRPORT Bosnian / Bosanski In an entity diagram, entity types are represented as rectangles. CUSTOMER LOYALTY SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE FACTOR. The segment level cabin class configuration. The Logical Data Model Conceptualizing your business model and the data on which to report Devising a model of your business data can help you analyze the structure of the data, how its various parts interact, and can also help you decide what you intend to learn from the data. Captures history of the names and addresses associated with a party or customers. SOURCE SYSTEM Those records might be because of late payment, default, or fraud. Turkish / Türkçe AIRCRAFT Represents frequent flier prediction among non-frequent flier passengers mining model. Information about the flight is stored. A campaign is a concentrated effort to enhance the image of the enterprise to retain, acquire, or consolidate customers. HOTEL BOOKING MISC REMARKS BOOKING CLASS HOTEL BOOKING OPTION TEXT Further classifications of TRANSACTION CATEGORY. Historical information captured for the complete lifetime of the customer or dealer. The line detail which records the number of units counted during the Physical Inventory. A type of transaction that records the business conducted between the carrier and another party involving the exchange in ownership or accountability, or both, for merchandise or tender, or both, or involving the exchange of tender for services. Sub-type of the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, it collects all information on (normally public) website managed by the carrier. Specifies the status of bookings, cancelations, confirmations, and so on, as on date for future departures starting the next day. You also need a plan that is visible and laid out correctly. FLIGHT COMPETITOR GEOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY ATTRIBUTES There are different levels in one loyalty program. These facts can be used to perform Competitor SWOT analysis to better understand a Competitor. External operation has business at some country. COMP INTEL CHARACTERISTIC VALUE Defines the business entities and their relationships and provides descriptions of the business and data requirements for the Oracle Airlines Data Model data warehouse. CUSTOMERs can acquire points on flights or by some other means. For example: An aircraft is a machine that is able to fly. PARTY STATUS INDIVIDUAL DEMOGRAPHY VALUE It counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines. The different types of channel of airline, including booking or ticketing channel, check-in channel, marketing channel, and so on. For example, for operational cost several organizations may share the same expense on a promotion or campaign. At this Data Modeling level, no primary or secondary key is defined. AIRPORT For example: Lookup for valid Types of PARTY IDENTIFICATION. PARTY INTERACTION LETTER FREQUENT FLIER CUSTOMER LIFE TIME VALUE SOURCE. MONTH TODATE TRANSFORMATION This is a operational layer entity which stores the ticket number and the issuing office of the ticket. Billing transaction payment authorization information. CORPORATE CUSTOMER Capture usage: flight hours and flight cycles. Reference entities help define the structure of the organization. For example: Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION which represents all telephone call interactions from the customer with details information including: holding, queuing, and interaction time, run by the Automated Voice Response (AVR) or not. The car rental tariff charge information. The rental car charge period information. SKU ITEM Describes the relationship between PARTY and account. The major dimensions of analysis for this fact are: Defines at the granularity of BOOKING SSRs, BOOKING REMARKs, OPTIONs, and, BOOKING OTHER SERVICEs attached to each BOOKING. Usually a Route Pair is the combination of two Route Numbers in both directions, but sometimes not. The data is the lowest level of the revenue cost group hierarchy. Italian / Italiano BOOKING PRODUCT DETAIL Lookup for type of revenue a customer may bring to the CARRIER. A marketing practice in which two or more airlines agree to share for marketing purposes. Daily fact for which data gets uploaded once at the end of day for the data to be available to the business users the next day. Specifies the restricted information for the employee. The billable information for hotel booking transaction. MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS Ticket means a document entitled "Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check" is issued by or on behalf of a CARRIER and includes the Conditions of Contract and notices and the Flight Coupons and Passenger Coupons contained therein. FLIGHT LEG INVENTORY CABIN The information may be calculated from internal data. BUSINESS UNIT SHIFT The list of skills which a party may have. PART SERIAL NUMBER The payment data of each billing transaction. For example: Identifies the department within the organization. 15-1011 Computer and Information Scientists Research. TASK ASSIGNMENT The PARTY that resells products or services from the CARRIER. Note: An organization can also consist of only one individual. The logbook can record flight time, flight type, departure point, destination, VFR, or IFR information and much more. COMPETITOR SWOT Additional information of billing transaction coupon. PARTY STATUS HISTORY Carrier means the airline issuing the ticket and all airlines that carry or undertake to carry the Passenger and or his baggage thereunder or to perform any other service related to such air carriage (IATA PAT-GR-1). Stores the details of the MCO. These value could have multiple value types or value measures. BANNING REASON FREQUENT FLIER PREDICTION DECISION TREE RULES. The header of a billing office transaction document. Ticket means a document entitled “Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check" issued by or on behalf of a CARRIER and includes the Conditions of Contract and notices and the Flight Coupons and Passenger Coupons contained therein (IATA PAT-GR-1). Represents the top most level of time. The geographic area covered by service provider with certain product combination. HOTEL BOOKING STATUS BILLING OFFICE SUBTOTALS TRANSACTION CURRENCY. It provides a conceptual abstract overview of the structure of the data. This entity lets you specify the related data. FLIGHT LEG INVENTORY SSR OPTION The other options for special service request (SSR) at LEG level. ADDRESS LOCATION A type of limitation that restricts the sale of a particular class of item. BOOKING TST TAX This is an operational layer entity which stores the information about the flight. For example: Strategic Account management team including sales and support. LOYALTY ACCOUNT LEVEL HISTORY ACCOUNT LEVEL TICKET COUPON PRICE MODIFICATION LINE ITEM In other words, they are independent of your selling (or ultimately buying) relationship with the party. Passengers reserve Segments on a BOOKING. BOOKING SEAT PREFERENCE Employee of the carrier. The physical Data Model describes the database-specific implementation of the data model. Delay codes used to standardize the reporting of flight departure delay. CALL CENTER AGENT The logical data model defines the structure of the data elements and set the relationships between them. USER HOTEL BOOKING CONTACT AMOUNT TYPE User defined attribute definitions and corresponding values regarding demographic statistics as related to an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. Specifies unit specific maintenance needs projected out into the future. ORGANIZATION DISTRICT IND= “Individual", GRP= “Group", COR= “Corporate" or NCO= “Non Commercial". VIRTUAL TEAM WARRANTY_ENTITLEMENTS. The TSM is a pricing record associated to one passenger only, the one the MD PNR element is associated to. For example: window, aisle. ACCOUNT PAYMENT Associative entity between two INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEMs. BUSINESS MONTH The control data of each billing transaction. MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT Assigns party roles that the party acted as to the PARTY. Keep the type of contact information. TICKET DELIVERY ARRANGEMENT Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION, which represents the SMS interaction from customers. HALF YEAR TRANSFORMATION Billing transaction issuance reason information from MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT. Associates one or more addresses with a PARTY. PROSPECT A data model is a formal way to represent the business rules. Within the ARTS data model each entity type is defined in business terms. FLIGHT DETAILS FACT The ODT account tracks the financial or services interactions of a customer with the airline. Represents Support Vector Machine (SVM) factors of attributes of customers, derived from customer loyalty support vector machine mining model. Location of part(s) within the organization. Assignment of Hierarchy Levels to ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY. The lookup for different types of Initiatives. CUSTOMER RECENCY FREQUENCY MONETARY PROFITABILITY SCORE. REVENUE COST DERIVED TRACKED ITEM PARTY INTERACTION EMAIL HOTEL BOOKING BILLABLE INFO The promotion reflects the tactics a carrier undertakes to generate increased incremental PAX volume for specific segment combinations within a promotional event. For example, email and cell phone number. COST BUSINESS YEAR HOTEL TARIFF CHARGE Describes the derived value of the customer. A logical data model is a model that is not specific to a database that describes things about which an organization wants to collect data, and the relationships among these things. ROUTINE This is as opposed to a conceptual data model, which describes the semantics of an organization without reference to technology. This is a lookup entity to roll up different revenue cost element categories into different groups. RETAIL STORE ORGANIZATION CORPORATE A customer account in a membership program. BILLING TRANSACTION TICKET FORM OF PAYMENT. The segment level cabin booking class boarding data. Group Select: An item, which is a group of items, only one of which is sold. HALF MONTH TRANSFORMATION Leg is an operational term and used to define the the physical operation between a departure station and the next arrival station. FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY CABIN CODESHARE BILLING TRANSACTION NETTING VALUES History of the names and addresses associated with an ORGANIZATION, PROSPECT, or CUSTOMER. For example, if the booking is done with other bookings, this hotel booking can save a certain amount of money. BILLING TRANSACTION TICKET ITINERARY DATA SEGMENT A physical place the retailer conducts business. In CADS, this categorization is split into two categorizations: Traffic Flight Type and Route Hierarchy Level 1. A Segment may cover one or more LEGs CARRIERs publish schedules of Segments and publish Availability for them. RETAIL TRANSACTION FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY CABIN BOOKING SUBCLASS AVAILABILITY EMPLOYEE RESTRICTED INFO The figures showing complete diagrams with attributes and entities are available with the Oracle Airlines Data Model IP Patch. COMP INTEL CHARACTERISTIC FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY It is a way of defining the organization's data and the business rules that govern the relationship between them. Billing transaction ticket qualifying issue information. To date transformation information at the half-month level. Entity-Relation model is based on the idea of true-planet entities and the relationship between the two. All attributes for each entity are specified. MR_INTERVALS Specifies passenger personal information associated with a TSM. FLIGHT SEGMENT INVENTORY STATUS FREQUENT FLIER CUSTOMER LIFE TIME VALUE APPLY. The detailed operations for each agent and each booking. For example: This is an operational layer entity stores the contact information of the passenger in the BOOKING. The attribute value of organization hierarchy. CHANNEL The market statistical information gathered about the competitors and the market. For example: Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION, which represents the interaction with customer through letter. Thai / ภาษาไทย The different versions of geography hierarchy. BILLING TRANSACTION FILE TOTALS CURRENCY The LEG of the PDI is obtained using the booking ID and board and offpoint: You can refer booking ID for the PDI and get the flight and segment information for that particular date. Can consolidate different people from different source systems, such as by size, product lines offered, therefore. Serve, especially for call center, Dealer, logical data model waitlisted information are calculated based on Route. Has scheduled to the PARTY maintenance needs projected out into the system categorization is split into categorizations! Interaction THREAD, about flight change or cancelation sign in to comment, IBM provide. 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